How I Spent Two Summers of College Building My Startup

Timi Dayo-Kayode
4 min readFeb 25, 2020

As a student founder, one of my biggest challenges so far has been balancing school work with my startup, Worksense, where we are building software to help tech companies provide more inclusive workplace experiences for their employees. While I haven’t quite discovered the perfect solution yet, -and thankfully won’t have to as I will be graduating from Tufts University in a few months- one of the strategies that I have used in order to be able to commit the kind of time that building my startup requires has been spending a large portion of most of my summer breaks building Worksense.

The first time I spent a summer building Worksense was the summer of 2018 right after my sophomore year of college. As a computer science major at a competitive school, there was a lot of pressure to secure a high-profile, high-paying software engineering internship to start to build an attractive resume in preparation for potentially landing a six-figure salary from a tech company after graduation. That is the typical career path for computer science students who don’t have strong interests in academia; Participate in a couple of solid internships in college and then land a six-figure salary after college. As I thought about where Worksense was at the time and where I wanted it to go, I came to the conclusion that I would have to spend more time building, researching…



Timi Dayo-Kayode

Passionate about tech inclusion and the emerging Sub Saharan Africa tech ecosystem